Hi, my name is Gugun, the producer of SOUND of UNHEARD KNOCK (SOUK). A foreword about this short movie. This is a 10 minutes short that explore the allegory or metaphor about the mind, knowledge and social psychological construction. This is a story about opening the mind, go outside the box.

Oxi, Naomy, Mrs. Isti, Kevin and Gugun

It all begins with Yeremia Kevin, the director. He came to me, initially want to consult about his script. It was still premature but thought it has potential to be developed more seriously. So later that consultation turned into a pitching session. Kevin wanted to film his script and needs a help so he proposed me to be his producer. I didn't know Kevin much at that time but my freelancer distributor, Tera who is his close friend assured me. So that's how this project begins. I mentored Kevin for about three months, developing the script to be ready to shoot. This is considered as Kevin's directorial debut.

This is actually a philosophical film. Kevin wrote the story, I give him philosophical context and also design the visual. Kevin built a world which represents human psychology. It is a metaphor of human knowledge gaining. How the construction surrounds us will regulate the way we achieve the knowledge. It draws the inspiration from Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic concept. 

Three characters in the movie; The Mother (played by Mrs. Isti Retno Wulandari) and two daughters Ami (Oxi Qintan) and Kania (Naomy Tiffany) represent how human consciousness deal with knowledge. Mother as the super-ego, Ami as the id and Kania as the ego. They live in an enclosed room which slightly modeled after Plato's cave. The knock represents human intellectual curiosity. The "Enigmatic Being" represents many thing; the norm, social construction, intellectual capacity etc. If you pay attention closely, the pencil Ami uses to draw is a metaphor for intellectual literacy. 

Producing this movie is quit challenging, because we are still facing this Covid-19 pandemic. Kevin lives in Malang and must travel regularly to Wlingi (about 50km), to maintain our production workflow. We assembled small team, mostly recruited from our community Wlingiwood Filmmakers. We raised IDR 4.000.000 budget to shoot this movie in only 2 days. Total time from pre production until post pro took about 4 months.

(Gugun Arief, Producer)